Sunday, November 29, 2015

Looking for...not this!

Pictured below is the yearly result of having 2 (sometimes 6) dogs, one grandchild, 4 children, 2 busy adults, no maid and one large heavy barely moveable leather sofa in the house and you are now desperate to find one of your good spoons used on Thanksgiving that the grandchild thought was a great toy until it wasn't so he dropped it somewhere and no one can find it.

Dog and family secret lost and found.
Unedited for your viewing revulsion amusement!

17 balls.
6 dog chew toys.
1 child's book.
1 book cover.
1 Winnie the Pooh.
1 giant rubber band.
1/2 of an Easter egg.
1 beaver tail. Not real.
1 plastic cup.
1 plastic muffin papers holder.
1 part of a solar light.
4 grandchild toy parts.
1 squeaker.
1 expensive looking electronic part.
Some crumbs.
Several dust balls.

What's under your sofa?

Thank-you for being here.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Under my sofa? Probably enough discarded fur to make another cat. I always wanted 5!!!

    Priceless! Thanks for posting! Oh, and I hope you find your spoon.

    1. LOL ! You're a genius!
      I am always amazed that Meow-Meow is not hairless with all the fur that floats along the floor when someone walks by.
      I'm so gonna save it just to see.
      Like I need another collection of something.....................

  2. Replies
    1. Be brave! Forgotten treasure might be there!

  3. Under my sofa, you will find 2 (sometimes 6) dogs, one grandchild, 4 children, and 2 busy adults

  4. Hahahahaha!!
    I just got it !!!


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?....