Monday, April 14, 2014

"Mmmmmm, I Love Breakfast Cereal." Donna Meagle

I believe I have mentioned in past blogs that I enjoy cooking and making food.
It's fun and therapeutic for me like napping, reading,  eating or reading blogs!
To prove my point, I would like to share with you a look at all the cookbooks I have acquired.

Graceful Grandma Cookbook Cabinet.

Yes, I have cooked from e v e r y single one of those books at some point in my life.
At some point.

Now I use the computer.
Need a recipe, I look it up, and if it has 5 stars then I will most likely give it a try.
What? Why?
Cookbooks are treasures!
They were meant to be read through almost like a regular book, telling a story of cooks before you, while you/me the reader marks up the pages of recipes that look delicious or WERE delicious.
Pinterest kinda does that with pictures, but I have tried many and liked very few of those recipes.
Used to be I would choose some recipes out of a book, add the ingredients I needed to my shopping list and then look forward to when they were on the weekly menu schedule.
Now, I open the cupboard, look at what I have on hand, THEN find a recipe that matches, at least kind of matches. They say use chicken, I say lets try Spam. The say rice? I say how about tater tots?

That is, IF I decide to cook anything at all.
When you're an empty nester there is little motivation to whip up something marvelous and impress......yourself?

That is why God made cereal.
Nutritious, easy and only 2 ingredients, well if you add the milk it's 2.
Even without milk it is usually delicious!
Sometimes the best recipe has been in the cabinet all along!

Thanks for being here.
Enjoy a foodie day !!

"People who love to eat are always the best people."
Julia Child


  1. I can offer you quite a few more cookbooks to help fill up your cabinet!! You definitely don't have enough! :)

  2. I can attest to the delectable goodness of momma birds aka graceful grandma's cooking. There are no bones poking through the skin at our house


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