Thursday, October 31, 2019

A Shark By Any Other Name...

Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo....

Is it me or have humans lost their dadgum minds?
And not just from a cute kids song that says in our mind all day.
In so many situations we, as a human species, don't know what to do in a certain situation so we think death is the answer.
Why the heck is that our go to solution?
Interstellar aliens in your city?
Kill them!
Animals smart enough to escape the zoo?
Shoot them!
Healthcare that is crazy expensive?
Expendable humans!
Sharks minding their own business swimming in their ocean tasting a human?
Kill them!
And since we're not sure we have the right toothy perpetrator, how about killing all the sharks in the area because we can even though they are just doing sharky type things?
We have to murder them or at least annihilate something to show we are protecting human life instead of just telling people, DO NOT SWIM IN THIS AREA!!!!!!

What got my dander up was the following article about an attack in Australia.
*** Shark Article. ***
If you don't want to read it, and like for real, who has that kind of time, it is about two guys who got bit in Australia and then local 'authorities' and that is a generous title, killed 6 sharks because 6 starts with the letter s, like shark, which makes no sense either, so I'll stop.

We all saw this same weird death resolution thing happen in the movie JAWS.
Sharks were killed out the wazoo but not the shark.
It scared the bajeebus out of us but didn't change our slaughtering tendencies.
So we keep doing the same thing?
Everyone knows that inspiring quote:
"If you want things to change then keep acting like a goob"
Pretty sure I made that up.
But shark execution makes me sooooo angry!

There is a balance in nature and humans have a great track record of throwing things off balance.
We just keep doing stuff like we have things figured out, but we don't.
We are guessing.
Every dadgum decision we make is basically a guess.
A guess!!
Some are more educated guesses than others but they are still guesses.
So maybe we should stop trying to be know-it-alls and treat the world and everything in it with a bit of care and kindness.
All things are here for a reason.
We may not know the reason...YET, but there IS a reason.

I'm done now.
I had to get this chunk of stupid 'news' out of my brain and share it with you because a person can only carry around so much stupid every day without going crazy.
Well, crazier.

Thanks for being here.

Family shark video.
Sharks feeding right where we were swimming the day before.
Doing sharky things.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Just excellent. So MANY VALID points about humans and their insistence that they ALWAYS know what is best - even when their track record has been one screw up after another. Does the term 'love bugs' mean anything to anyone in the south? Monumental fail that just keeps on giving. Keep posting. Keep trying to save what little sanity is left to so few.


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