Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Do I have to......?

Life is hard.
But is it THIS hard?...

Too much effort?

Again, life is hard and there is no one, except humans under the age of 5, who would argue with that statement.
When you are 5 years old, you are loud enough to scream about anything that bothers you and helpless enough to get all the humans older than you to tackle your most frustrating to do or not to do list.
So when us older people have an issue with something, we don't scream, we just make sure the rest of humanity KNOWS we are upset.
We use curse words.
We lay on the horn.
We get on Twitter.
We act like babies thinking someone will fix things for us.
We refuse to walk 7 extra steps to put a cart in the cart corral.
Do I have a mouse in my pocket?
Talking mostly about the person that constructed this picture.
Listen lazy human:
I understand that you just got done walking about 3 miles through an entirely too large grocery store to find Frosted Flakes and Spam which drained you sooo entirely that walking the cart to it's place, 7 steps behind your car, was not an option. Your blown out ankles could never make it, so you just push it to the side of your car, saving 3 steps because you already did the world a favor by spending your money at this particular store which OWES you many favors anyway because you graced it with your presence.
You are telling the world, "I don't have to". Loud and clear.
You're an adult, numerically at least.
Life is hard and you don't feel any obligation to put things back in their place.
It's not your parking lot or your shopping cart or your job to be nice.
But there it is.
Be nice.
Being nice is NOT hard.
Your thoughtlessness affected at least 3 people.
1) The person who has to collect the carts strewn about a 4 acre parking lot.
2) The person who wanted to park in the place where you dumped your cart but can't because your cart is in the way.
3) And me. Watching schmuckiness manifest itself on a lovely summer day and wondering if I had shopped longer would the wind have shifted the cart into my headlight?

It didn't.

I just needed to vent.

Most people are nice and I am glad to know you, or at least know you're out there.

Thank you for being here.
Be nice.
Take the extra steps.
It's easy.

One of those days...

1 comment:

  1. PREACH!! That is one of the things I get most aggravated by. Carts - everywhere but the stalls designed to hold them - that are so close. People are getting more thoughtless and lazy. I for one, will not join their ranks. I trained my children to act better as well. Put things where they belong the first time. Then, you don't have to move them again, and no one has to clean up behind you. PREACH!


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